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The high water temperature of excavator buckets is currently a frequent difficulty for many bucket manufacturers. Summarize a few points to give you an analysis of the cause of the strong water temperature of the excavator. Expect to solve your problem.

Excavators work in a harsh environment for a long time, it is inevitable that a lot of debris and dust fall into the engine periphery, so habitual checks to remove debris near the equipment can be beneficial to reduce the engine water temperature. Check that the cooling fan is working properly and also check that the drive belt is not loose, as too loose or too tight a drive belt can cause the water temperature to rise extremely quickly. The front side of the cooling tower is not covered by debris that blocks the flow of hot exhaust air, and excessive oil stains on the engine surface can also affect heat exhaust.
The amount of water is too little or the water tank has a leak mark, which is the daily maintenance work, excavator bucket manufacturer said that if the water temperature is high, but also to check whether the water circulation is normal, check the method is to feel the temperature of the upper and lower radiator pipes are similar, if the temperature gap is larger to check whether the pump is not running properly or the thermostat can not open.
If there is a stain in the water circuit, resulting in reduced water output, cleaning the water tank once in a while is one of the maintenance items. The amount of engine oil also affects the water temperature and should be maintained in the basic category.
A bad water tank cover still causes the water temperature to rise, as a bad water tank cover will easily cause air to enter the water circuit when the water is circulating. The water temperature will therefore be higher. Engine load, ignition too late, hydraulic master pump power overweight will also lead to high water temperature conditions lead to excavator water temperature high may also other subtle related problems, in the maintenance of the only need to carefully check, the fault or not difficult to deal with.



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