
Hondeamakina nola zaindu eta mantendu?

Astunetik trinkora, hondeamakinak baldintza okerrenei aurre egiteko eta lan zailenak egiteko diseinatuta daude. Lur malkartsuarekin, zikinkeria eta urte osoan zehar funtzionamendu astuna, you should maintain your excavator regularly to avoid unexpected shutdowns and maintenance.

Here are five reminders to keep your excavator running optimally year-round.
1. Maintain and clean the undercarriage
Working in dirty, muddy terrain can lead to landing gear deposits. Avoid unnecessary damage to your excavator by cleaning the undercarriage on a regular basis to remove stains and debris. When investigating the landing gear, look for damage to missing parts and oil leaks.
2. Check your tracks
Check that your tracks are properly tensioned. Tracks that are too loose or too tight can cause excessive damage to the tracks, chain and sprockets.
3. Change the air and fuel filters
When operating an excavator outdoors, debris can build up in the equipment’s gas, fuel and hydraulic filters. Cleaning and replacing filters in a timely manner will help the excavator run longer.
4. Clear the water separator
Check all water levels daily for recommendations. Check engine oil and gear oil levels before using the excavator to ensure they are working well throughout the day.
5. Drain the water separator
Condensate often builds up in the engine when the excavator is outside overnight. Drain the water separator daily to avoid trapped erosion.



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