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Excavator thoob dej kub siab teeb meem

High water temperature is a problem that many excavator thoob often encounter, and many customers are not sure how to solve it. The next step is to find out how to solve the problem of high water temperature of Doosan excavator bucket.

The office environment of the excavator is relatively extreme, there will always be a lot of dirt or dust into the engine’s periphery, this is all unavoidable phenomenon. Yog li ntawd, we must often check and remove the dirt near the equipment, so that it can be stronger to reduce the water temperature. Also and the fan can all work properly in a very large correlation, must go to check the transmission system drive belt is not loose phenomenon, transmission belt is very loose or too tight is will make the water temperature rise rapidly.
Ntxiv rau, also need to check the cooling tower in front of the objects covered and thus blocked the mobility of the exhaust gas, the engine surface oil stains will also endanger the role of heat exhaust. The water flow is too little or the storage tank has leaks, which is also the case of maintenance must pay attention to, the water temperature is too high to check the water circulation system can work normally, take hands to touch the heat pipe radiator tap water temperature conditions, if the temperature difference is very large, you also need to check the centrifugal water pump has normal work, if there is stains in the waterway, the flow of water will shrink, therefore, to the water tank on time Do the cleaning work.
The remaining oil in the engine will also harm the water temperature, and the remaining oil should be within the specified range. A bad water tank cover will also cause the water temperature to rise, as it will be very easy to cause the water inlet, so the water temperature will be higher. Ntxiv rau, the engine load or ignition too late and other phenomena will also lead to high water temperature phenomenon.

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