Xov xwm

Five maintenance reminders for excavators

Los ntawm hnyav mus rau compact, excavators are designed to handle the worst conditions and perform the most difficult jobs. Nrog rugged struts, cov av qias neeg thiab kev ua haujlwm hnyav txhua xyoo, koj yuav tsum tuav koj lub excavator tsis tu ncua kom tsis txhob muaj kev npaj txhij txog kaw thiab tu.

Nov yog tsib qhov kev ceeb toom kom koj lub excavator khiav zoo txhua xyoo.
1. Khaws thiab ntxuav lub hauv qab
Ua haujlwm qias neeg, cov av nkos tuaj yeem ua rau tsaws iav deposits. Tsis txhob muaj kev puas tsuaj rau koj lub excavator los ntawm kev ntxuav lub hauv qab kom tsis tu ncua kom tshem tawm cov stains thiab khib nyiab. When inspecting the landing gear, look for damaged parts and oil leaks.
2. Xyuas koj cov lem
Xyuas tias koj cov lem yog tensioned zoo. Too loose or too tight tracks can cause excessive damage to the tracks, chains thiab sprockets.
3. Hloov cov lim cua thiab roj
Thaum ua haujlwm excavator sab nraum zoov, cov khib nyiab tuaj yeem tsim hauv cov khoom siv roj, roj thiab hydraulic lim. Kev tu thiab hloov cov lim dej kom raws sijhawm yuav pab kom lub excavator khiav ntev dua.
4. Tshem cov dej separator
Check that all water levels are at recommended levels daily. Check the engine oil and gear oil levels before using the excavator to make sure he works well throughout the day.
5. Drain water separator
Condensate often builds up in the engine when the excavator is out overnight. Please drain the water separator every day to avoid trapped erosion.

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