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Kuv yuav ua li cas yog tias kuv lub thoob excavator kub?

Yuav ua li cas thaum lub excavator khawb thoob tau kub. Cov neeg siv excavator khawb thoob vim siv sij hawm ntev, thaum kawg ua rau kub, ces tus mob no yuav tsum ua.Rainbow Excavator Bucket give you an explanation of excavator digging bucket hot how to do.

(1) the capacity of the tank is too small, thaj tsam hluav taws xob tsis txaus, cov khoom siv roj txias tsis raug ntsia, or refrigeration equipment has the ability to be too small.
(2) according to the quick release quantitative pump system pump selection capacity, in operation with the vast majority of flow restrictions in the high-pressure safety valve overflow and fever.
(3) The unloading circuit in the system is faulty or the pump cannot be unloaded when the unloading circuit is not set to stop operation, and all the flow pumps overflow under high pressure, and the overflow loss and heat are caused by the heating of the oil.
(4) The pipeline bends for a long time, ntau dhau, hauv zos poob siab thiab poob siab.
(5) Lub precision ntawm qhov chaw tsis txaus, lub installation zoo tsis zoo, thiab kev sib txhuam poob ntawm lub tshuab hauv nruab nrab ntawm cov txheeb ze ceev yog qhov zoo.
(6)The difference of the part of the mating is too small, or the difference is too big after using the damage, leakage ntau, causing a lot of losses, such as the reduction of the volumetric efficiency of the pump, and the rapid heating.
What are the characteristics of the excavator extended arm?Xuzhou Rainbow Machinery Equipment excavator bucket manufacturers explain what are the characteristics of the excavator extended arm.
Extended arm excavator can be very good digging work, thiab nws cov hauj lwm efficiency kuj yog heev, not only can be very good to carry out the excavation and use, thiab tus nqi kuj ceev heev, this greatly improves the efficiency of the workers, for the construction of the construction of the convenient requirements.
Extended arm excavator groups will understand the powerful role of the extended arm excavator, and the extended arm excavator can greatly enhance the efficiency of the work of the problem, so that the excavation is no longer inconvenient, so that the excavation of the construction site can be easy construction, this is the advantages of the extended arm excavator belongs to the extended arm excavator are the advantages of the extended arm excavator.

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