
Шанаганы засвар үйлчилгээний заавар

Бидний мэдэж байгаагаар, ачигчийн гол хэсэг нь түүний хувин юм, өргөхөд шийдвэрлэх үүрэг гүйцэтгэдэг, ачаалж байна, тэгшлэх, түлхэх, татах гэх мэт. Шанаганы өдөр тутмын элэгдэл, үрэлт нь сорвитой гэж хэлж болно. Inadequate maintenance of the bucket may even lead to deformation of the bucket and distortion of the bucket position. So for these unavoidable losses, in fact, we can do a good job of maintenance of the bucket. Try to make the degree of wear and tear down to a very low level, strong savings in maintenance costs.

Digging bucket divided into several parts constitute a total product. Bucket back, bucket edge, bottom plate, shovel blade and bucket teeth. Riders know that rocks can be very abrasive to the bucket, and if some vehicles shovel rocks with brute force, the bucket tends to be left with hard wounds.
In the working environment of the quarry, the ore received is not uniform in size. Thirty percent of the gravel is powder or something like that mixed inside the head of the pile. Coupled with the ore trucks are directly from the platform above the unloading down, the stone pile by the ore trucks over the years of accumulation led to some corners are very tight. Of course, experienced masters can see the angle of the two sides of the pile, can easily start. But the center is always to be shoveled. And the bucket on this pile of shovel material is very hard, tight pile from time to time to pry down to a little loose, then the bucket teeth and blades and bucket side plate is a large area of force area, that the degree of wear and tear can be imagined naturally. After a long time of work friction, bucket teeth and side plate have reached the replacement period.
Bucket side plate is also the main stress area. Weld a few pieces of steel plate of those rear eight wheels. Over time, you will find that the wear and tear of the side plate is almost minimal. Personally, though, I’m more in favor of another way of reinforcing the side plate, which is to measure the side plate up close to the ? Area, and then go to the steel mill to buy a piece of more than 1 point thick iron plate reinforcement on, that can be considered a worry-free.
Reinforcement of the bottom plate: now the new bucket are using two U-shaped iron plate padding, the old bucket is directly in accordance with the original size of the bottom plate plus a piece of up on the very resistant to damage. If you see the bottom of the two U-shaped iron plate wear degree is relatively large, measure the size of the U-shaped iron plate, and then reinforced on it!



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